1st Pattern in sock images 1.jpg

Welcome to the home of the F-S Knife (aka, the British Commando Dagger).  My name is Roy Shadbolt, I'm a writer, historian and purveyor of original Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knives.  This website is an ongoing project and will periodically be updated, so please check back regularly. If you would like be kept updated on website changes, then please write me so I can add you to my contact list.

My mission is to present an exciting, informative and honest resource for anyone interesting in the F-S Knife. You will see here the finest and most complete resource relating to the original Fairbairn Sykes Knife, it's history, development and manufacture, shown in all its patterns, types, models, variations and production anomalies.

Please note, I am personally adverse to technology and prefer to create ‘real’ relationships, as such my technology based resources are deliberately limited, so please feel free to write me using the ‘contact’ tab in the above navigation bar, introduced yourself, tell me about your passions and interests and let me know how I can help or be of assistance, I would love to hear from you.