Below you will find a selection of original articles written mostly by myself, sometimes in collaboration with a co-author and occasionally a guest article. Although the majority of articles are understandably and specifically related to the Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, there will be some that will cover related topics and occasionally an article not specifically related (to the F-S Knife) but included here for further interest. As and when able, I will also include scans of older articles previously published in print formate. Some of these original article have been updated, so may be duplicated below in website formate.
If I could also remind visitors that this website remains under ongoing construction and as such, I’m in the process of checking, updating and transferring many articles from my old website, as well as working on new projects, so all of this takes time. . Please be patient with my progress but if you have any questions in the meantime, don’t hesitate to drop me a line.